Price: platinum | Trading Volume: 33 | Get the best trading offers and prices for Oberon Prime Systems.Undocumented : All skins and helmets received PBR textures. To get Oberon's component blueprints, players will need to investigate points of interest in Grineer Railjack missions on Earth Proxima, Saturn. It can drop from any Eximus unit, so there is no specific system that you would need to farm - instead you should focus on high level missions. › questions › where-could-i-get-systems-for-th. Is there a mission thats were there is more eximus enemies then usual. So i relly want oberon i have all the things. At a 1% chance to drop some part, you're going to need to kill about 2, of them to get 99% chance to have gotten all three parts.

Now just where do find Oberon Neuroptics, Chasiss and Systems? Glad you asked. I don't have any platinum since I still don't really understand the whole trading/selling thing so Oberon would be my second warframe. Oberon's component blueprints are obtained from Earth Proxima (Systems), Saturn Proxima (Chassis), and. Oberon's main blueprint can be purchased from the Market. Price: platinum | Trading Volume: 33 | Get the best trading offers and prices for Oberon Prime Systems. is there a mission thats were there is more eximus enemies then usual. Now just where do find Oberon Neuroptics, Chasiss and Systems? Glad you asked.Īt a 1% chance to drop some part, you're going to need to kill about 2, of them to get 99% chance to have gotten all three parts.