Go to Shipwreck Beach and then to the Survivor's camp. Tomb Location: You will need the Rope Ascender and rope arrows to access the sixth tomb.Once the way is clear, you just have to climb up the wall to find the treasure chest. Cross through that area and use a second fire arrow to blow up the explosive crates that block your path. Puzzle Solution: Use a fire arrow to explode the gas in the tomb.Beyond the bridge, you will notice a lamppost. Tomb Location: Go to the Summit Forest and head to the Hunting Lodge camp.Climb the ladder to find the treasure chest. Use your axe to help you along the wall until you reach a ladder. Jump onto one, use your rope arrow on the other, and use the seesaw to reach the rock wall. First, use the yellow canisters to weigh town the raised side of the seesaw. Puzzle Solution: You will need rope arrows and the Climbing Axe to solve this puzzle.The tomb entrance is on the other side of the wooden bridge. Make your way to the eastern caves, located beneath the gondola station to the south.

Tomb Location: Go to Shantytown and head to the Windmill camp.From there, you can make your way to the treasure chest. Before it can lower, jump to the left ledge. Get onto the upper ledge and jump on the platform again. Step off, and the platform will start to rise. When it reaches the ground, get on and get rid of the canisters. Pick up each yellow canister and throw them up to the platform. Puzzle Solution: A platform hangs above you.Make your way to the tomb entrance and use your rope arrows to enter. When you reach a boobytrapped building covered in white murals, destroy the floor and drop down into a cave. Once you have them, go to Shantytown and head to the Helicopter Hill camp. Tomb Location: For the third tomb, you will also need rope arrows.Make your way across the ledges until you reach a hallway. Jump from the platform and grab the ledge to the right. When the second shutter opens, wind will blow the platform to the right. Once the platform is high enough, run onto it. As the platform rises, the shutters will begin to open again. Next, use the crank in the center to raise the platform. First, use the crank to close the window shutter. In the center of the room, a platform hangs suspended by ropes. Puzzle Solution: On the left side of the room is an open window controlled by a crank.From there, follow the upper route until you see the tomb entrance. With your rope arrows, you can reach the northern ledge. This is the location where you previously investigated the smoke signal from the rescue plane. Once you have them, go to the Mountain Village and head to the Overlook camp. Tomb Location: To reach the second tomb, you will need rope arrows.Push it off, and you will be able to reach the chest. There is still some extra weight holding down the lift. First, use the pot or your flint (if you have it) to light the torch. Puzzle Solution: To reach the treasure chest, you need to allow the lift to rise high enough for you to climb up to it.Head to the base of the waterfall to reach the Tomb of the Unworthy camp. Once you have it, go to the Mountain Village. Tomb Location: To find the first tomb, you will need the Climbing Axe.If you solve all seven, you will earn the "Intellectually Superior" Achievement (Xbox One) or Trophy (PS4). Follow the instructions below to find and complete each secret tomb. There are seven secret tombs, each with a puzzle you can solve to earn a reward. Even if you quit in between two rounds, you will keep any XP and salvage you already earned.On your way to each medkit, pick up the salvage you pass along the way.Medkits spawn randomly, but some locations will contain medkits every time. As soon as the match begins, collect the medkits by sprinting to each white waypoint, grabbing the medkit there, and returning it to the drop-off point, which will be a circular area near where you spawned.The Time Limit is your choice, but you will need at least 8-10 minutes. Once you have your Loadout set, go to Match Options.Choose the top option, set your Offensive Skill to "Second Wind," and set your Survival Skill to "Advanced Looting." Next, you must customize your Loadouts.Once your session is created, choose Rescue mode on the Beach map.First, you must start a private multiplayer session, although you do not need the help of other players if you want to play alone.Earn 10K XP and 2K Salvage in 5 Minutes Hintsįollow the steps below to earn at least 10,000 XP and 2,000 salvage in five minutes.